Various news tidbits:
    ***9 June***
    Go to the Non-Fiction section and read about our glorious adventures in the Lawrence Hunt. Take a gander at the pictures from Gutcheck. Send us money for better shirts... or just send us amazing kudos.
    ***4 June***

Craig got bored and made each member of the Nuthouse their very own Magic: the Gathering card. That's in the Art section. Download 'em, print 'em... trade 'em with your friends. Eventually, we should have pictures from the May Lawrence Hunt competition, as soon as Paul can get his lazy ass in gear and hand 'em over. 'Cause when I have the pictures, I can post the story of what went down, and then that's another update. See how it works? Clever, huh?

    ***19 January***
    The logo is now logos, plural. Chelsea designed the top one for me many months ago, and Sarah embroidered the bottom one shortly after moving here to Kansas. And since both lovely ladies put in work for the site, I figured it was high time people got to see them.
    Also, considering Sarah and Chelsea put in work, they got added to the "Who Is" page below. I updated mine with the fact that I'm married, which also required rewriting my bio. So that was time that could have been spent watching teevee, but I love you all so much... As for any other news, I have none. There's stuff in the works, but we all have jobby-jobs, and I have a family that needs attention... to say nothing of the mp3 blog (which you should read) and assorted endeavors for other folks.
    Oh, and Robb got married on December 30. Congratulate him and shit.


    Welcome to the homepage for Nuthouse Productions. This is the online repository and publisher for the writings of Robb McKinney, Craig Orkwis, Paul Serena, and your webmaster, Nick Spacek. That's the main focus, and much funny stuff can be found here, as well as the happenings of us and or friends. Just click on Literature below, and enter the Nuthouse. Or click on Links to see some similarly oddball stuff.
Where to get all of the nifty, sick and twisted stuff that has been written and stored here. Sorted by category.
Sick and twisted writings, music, and cartoons that really inspire us and provide us with stuff to steal.
Rock Star Photography
A collection of photography by Nick Spacek. Mostly local bands, but a few national acts can be found, as well.
Rock Star Journalist
The webmaster's mp3 / music blog. It gets updated M-W-F, and several times on weekends. Well worth your time.

site design copyright 2006 Nuthouse Productions
Nick's stuff copyright Nuthouse Productions
Paul's stuff copyright Wonk-a-Rama, Inc
Robb's stuff copyright FuzzieChickie Productions
all else copyright their respective owners

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---page last updated 9 June 2006---

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